Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Laughs for Free-- the best medicine!

Lots of sadness in the news, so we are resurrecting a few favorite funnybone-ticklers and introducing some new material. Bluegrass State of Mind by Kathleen Brooks, The Vampire Handbook by PJ Jones, Sorry I Ruined Your Orgy by Bradley Sands, and My Boyfriend's Back by our friend Chrissy Olinger. ALL best sellers, and also FREE!


Sunday, February 26, 2012

Old School Mystery/Thriller Freebies

You may have first encountered these classic freebies in college, or on the big screen.  Today we offer four wonderful classics to tickle and tingle your spine.  Happy goosebumps, readers! Featuring Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Bram Stoker, Wilkie Collins, Agatha Christie, and Henry James.


Monday, February 20, 2012

Five Fantasy Freebies

This week we have a wonderful grouping of Fantasy Freebies, romance, straight up fantasy, and young adult. Download them while they're hot!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A Pair of FREE Fairy Tale Romances

We are making an exception to the 10 reviews or more policy today.  A pair of outstanding fairy tale re-tellings are offered, the second an unusual Russian-set reinvention of The Snow Queen. The Queen of Frost and Darkness by Christina Pope was recommended to us by a reader, and we completely agree! Also included is The Woodcutter by Kat Danley, which blends many characters from classical fairy tales.  We found both of these terrific reads were unique in how they approached the subject matter.

Get em while they're free!


Saturday, February 11, 2012

A Trio of FREE Historical Romances

Just in time for Valentine's Day, three very well reviewed and completely FREE historical romances for your Kindle.  From Courtney Milan, Delilah Marvelle, and a new author for us this month, Kathleen Morgan.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Get Steamed!

Four wonderful steampunk titles that are currently FREE! Get em while they’re hot!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Picking A Winner


We love freebies! Since we are new to blogging, tweeting, and facebooking, we thought we’d share how we decide which free downloads to recommend.  Three of us share this blog and the other social media.  So how do we pick books?

Downloading free titles can become both addictive and destructive.  We try not to look at it from a “free must mean inferior” position, since it simply isn’t true. What is true, however, is that more duds can be found among the free.

Our process is pretty simple, and may be helpful, so we’re sharing it!

1. How many reviews does it have, and are they 4 stars or above? We avoid titles with fewer than 10 reviews. In some cases we’ll grab a title from an author we know or something that simply looks too delicious. Usually, however, the rule of thumb is 10 or more, 4 stars or higher.

2. Does the cover and blurb show care, time, and professionalism?  In a few rare cases we’ve found gems from newer, independent authors where the cover could have used help. The now-famous Amanda Hocking’s first covers were awful. These exceptions are rare, and the reviews usually help. A badly written blurb with grammatical errors or other mistakes is an absolute NO.

3. We ask friends. Nothing is more reliable than word of mouth from a friend with similar tastes.

4. We follow other sites. Twitter and facebook have some wonderful groups readers can subscribe to.

5. Is it on the best-sellers list? If so, how long has it been there?

6. Is the title from a well-known author who is promoting a new release? Or is it part of a series, coinciding with the next title’s release? Very often free titles are promotional tools. These are some of the best snags. Follow your favorite authors and watch for announcements.

Remember, we’ve all been to library sales, yard sales, and discount bins full of books. You can even find some places giving them away. If you wouldn’t bother to put most of those on your physical shelves at home, think carefully before you take up space on your virtual space, too. Downloading every freebie can create a messy, confusing bulk on your Kindle. Choose wisely!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Bundles of Joy

We have a collection of collections today. All of these bundles/boxed sets are great offerings of more than one title for a great price. One is even free!




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